_MG_5046 (Custom)


The pros and cons of it

Groove BOX Endurance is a cutting-edge endurance sports training program designed to enhance your performance, fitness, and overall potential in endurance sports. Unlike traditional long-slow distance training, we focus on reducing workout volume while increasing intensity.

If you’re tired of your usual running routine, short on time for lengthy workouts, or want to integrate strength and conditioning into your endurance training, Groove BOX Endurance is the perfect solution. Our structured, sport-specific program includes Olympic lifts, powerlifting, gymnastics, explosive movements, and mobility exercises. With varied workouts, repetition is avoided to keep things challenging and fresh.

Power and speed are essential for success in endurance sports. Our well-planned strength and conditioning program enhances both, while minimizing recovery time, reducing the risk of injury, preserving lean muscle, and creating a more sustainable performance curve. Groove BOX Endurance will make you faster, leaner, and stronger, with a focus on improving your sport-specific skills.

We eliminate unnecessary training volume, increasing workout intensity to maximize results. Traditional long, slow endurance training often leaves athletes less powerful, more prone to injury, and with shortened sports longevity. We’re here to change that.


How many times per week

  • Tuesday 18:00 — 19:00
  • Thursday 18:00 — 19:00
  • Saturday 11:00 — 12:00

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